Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Measures Of Central Tendency In CR Elections

Is the CR ( Class representative) spokesman of the group or leader of the group?This question hit me when I was busy with our XLRI GMP 2007 CR elections.When our batch met for the first time I was sure about the name who should be the CR and it turned out like that eventually. I chose to revisit the existential experience from a cognitive perspective. CR is a central tendency of a class and so is the Leader.However, more often than not, elements of a class would be more tightly concentrated around the CR whereas they will be loosely scattered in the case where leader is the central tendency.In other words the standard deviation in a CR scheme is less than that in a leader scheme.In a leader scheme, an element becomes leader because of its own attributes and its ability to influence some of the attributes of the other elements. In other words when an element , because of its own attributes, asserts itself as the leader, the other elements can get suitably conditioned to revolve around it. If one of them doesn't, it has to then assert itself as the leader.If it can't, it gets dismembered.Primarly , a leader is a distinct element , its likeness with other members is only desirable.In a CR scheme, CR's likeness with other elements is paramount. Hence, a CR does not need to assert itself as CR.Other elements of the group see the "likeness" and designate an element as the CR.My cognitive faculty has run out of fuel..so I will stop here.My existential faculty hopes the CR will take the burden of the collective insecurity of the class.Good Luck to our CR!!!!

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